Health Resources

Promoting self-care and maintaining a healthy school & life balance is important for your well-being. To support this mission, we've gathered a few resources to help you relax during your time here. By prioritizing self-care, we hope students can thrive academically, emotionally, and physically.

On this page, you'll find resources for:

Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation enhances well-being and the education experience in the UC Davis community through personal development and involvement in our dynamic programs, services and facilities.


Health Centers

Name and LinkDescriptionContact information
Center for Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)The Center for Advocacy Resources and Education is a program which provides free confidential support, advocacy, and healing services to survivors of sexual assault, harassment, and all forms of sexual violence.
Student Health & Wellness Center The Student Health and Wellness Center provides student-centered integrated services that are inclusive, innovative, and promote health equity, which reduce barriers to physical, emotional, and social well-being in support of student success.Ambulance/Police/Fire
Appointment Desk
(530) 752-2349
Advice Nurse
(530) 752-2349
Administration & General Information
(530) 752-2300
Nutrition ServicesThis site provides the cost of and contact information for making an appointment with a dietician.(530)-752-2349
Produce Guides, Tips, IdeasProvides numerous nutricious food resources including CalFresh information, on-campus and community food resources, nutritional education, cooking classes, and food maps.530-752-9254 or
Physical WellnessThis site provides resources for mental, sexual and physical well-being. It also provides advice and resources for nutrition as well as information on drugs and recovery resources. 
Living WellLiving Well Programs offer a variety of classes. These classes include group exercise, small group training, and dance and martial arts series classes. They also offer individual training, nurtition consultations, nutrion counselors, and a few general health related resources. 

Insurance Services

Name and LinkDescriptionContact Information
UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP)A hub for information about UC SHP coverage for students. The UC Student Health Plan is a health insurance plan that all students are automatically enrolled in to satisfy the requirement that all students must have health insurance. Students can waive UC SHIP using the link above. or (530)-752-6055

Medical ServicesUC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services provides several health services for UC Davis students.Health-e-Messaging

Practicing Self-Care

Safe Partying 

  • Aggies Act is a UC Davis protocol that removes barriers when seeking help in potentially life threatening situations involving alcohol and other substances.
    • It is both a Good Samaritan and Medical Amnesty policy, encouraging a shared responsibility among UC Davis students to take action. The protocol applies to both the person experiencing a medical emergency and the friend/bystander calling for help.
  • The Safe Party Initiative is a collaborative effort between the City of Davis and the University of California, Davis and is endorsed by the Davis Alcohol and Other Drug Advisory Group. Click the link to read about tips on reducing the risks of alcohol-related problems (personal and legal) as well as tips on how to keep your parting from ending on a low note.


Women's Resources & Research Center

The Women's Resources & Research Center (WRRC) is committed to providing an authentic and empowering home-space for those with marginalized gender identities at UC Davis.